Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Olivia is home!

On April 24th Andy and I stayed in the parent living unit with Olivia overnight before bringing her home the next day. I was nervous about bringing her home (which I now look back and laugh at) so they had us stay at the hospital for a night to get comfortable. The hospital was definitely no frills (two twin beds with mattresses probably as old as I am). Now I wish we would have gotten a good night sleep at home before bringing Olivia home because now I am always tired. The pictures of Andy and Olivia are from the night in the Parent Living Unit.

Olivia is really a good baby but the routine I have been given from the hospital takes a lot out of me. Lactation wants me to breastfeed then give Olivia a bottle and then pump. I feel like by the time I get done with the whole thing it is time to feed her again. I must confess I have started just breastfeeding once a day and the rest of the day sticking to pumping and giving her breast milk in a bottle.

So today (May 5th) Andy and I took Olivia to the doctor and she is one ounce away from being 5 pounds. I love that she is gaining weight; she loves her food!! She is a little chow hound.